Wednesday 16 January 2019

JUST IN! INEC Chairman May Go To Jail Because Of This...

The Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Prof. Mahmud Yakubu risks being sent to prison if a committal proceeding filed by the Young Democratic Party, YDP, now pending before a Federal High Court sitting in Lagos sails through on January 18, 2019.
This followed the Form 49 issued by the court on Wednesday, against the alleged contemnor (Yakubu), inviting him to appear in court to show cause why he should not be sent to prison for refusing to comply with the judgment of the court made on November 29, 2018 by Justice Ayotunde Faji.

The Form 49 reads;
"Take notice that the defendant will on a date as approved by the court apply for an order for your committal to prison for having disobeyed the judgment of the Federal High Court by Justice A.O. Faji made on November 29, 2018 enjoining you to recognise the second defendant as the acting National Chairman, Henry Nwabueze of the Young Democratic Party and thereby neglected to obey the said judgment."

The contention is that under Section 72 of the Sheriff's and Civil Process Act "if a person refuses or neglects to comply with an order of court made against him other than for payment of money, the court instead of dealing with him as a judgment debtor guilty of the misconduct defined in paragraph F of Section 66 of the Act, may order that he committed to prison and detained in custody until he has Obeyed the order.

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