Friday 21 December 2018

Lawmakers Tries To Embarass Me On International TV, God pass them, says Buhari

Pesident Muhammadu Buhari has finally spoken out after the sudden attack by the lawmakers and some of the house of rep members yesterday.

Buhari who was at the Assembly yesterday presenting the 2019 Budget was being 'boo' by some lawmakers believed to be members of the opposition.
According to Buhari the lawmakers tried all they could to embarrass him on international TV for the world to see "God pass them all he said.

I beg for them to comport themselves and stop embarrassin me and the nation yet most of the lawmakers were busy calling me names, this country has come beyoned that. what are they trying to teach the young generation who are looking up to them?

"I am taking Nigeria to the next level which my achievements has proven a lot especially in the area of fighting corruption."

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