Sunday 26 August 2018

My NYSC Call Up Letter Story Part 2 - Omoregbe Eucharia

My Call Up Letter Story 
Part 2

I told you guys that my proprietor called my name right, yeah he was announcing to the teachers that I was resigning to go for NYSC. "Since Our teacher UK joined us about a year ago, she has been very dedicated and committed to her students and to this school"... These words were supposed to make me smile but my face was flushed with anger.
Omoregbe Eucharia
NYSC has killed me, oh God why didn't you give me a sign, why did I tender my resignation... All these thoughts ran through my mind like lightning bolts.
Our proprietor's speech continued , " as the session comes to an end, I want to appreciate all the staffs bla bla hdhjdhdhejdbdishshsjdidh...I was certain That was what I was hearing, just gibberish, I wasn't concentrating at all, my mind wandered to my parents, hei God, how was I going to explain to them that I somehow missed this batch again, I could hear my mom telling that I didn't graduate.

My mind wandered again to my course mates... Sweet lord, most of them were already serving...
"let us bow our heads for closing prayers" that was our proprietor's voice. I bowed my head and instead of chorusing amen like everyone else, I said my own silent prayer, o lord save your child from this embarrassment...Amen.

School was officially closed for the term and session, most of the teachers came to bid Mr farewell, my face was downcast as I replied to their " we will miss you, You will be posted to a good place, be a good girl...infact I blinked back hot tears.
Coming back home was difficult, luckily for me nobody was around yet to ask me about call up letter, I went straight to my bed and brought out my phone, I checked my dashboard again... Sweet Jesus, there was nothing again.

I returned to facebook, people were posting and complaining about not seeing their call up letters, I heaved a sigh of relief... Thank God I wasn't alone. Some others posted that a notification for stream 2 was on their dashboard, Ahhh stream 2 again? I thought, NYSC did not tell us about stream 2 nah. I returned to my dashboard again, there was nothing, no call up letter, no notification for stream 2...Oh lord, my case is worse. I was neither here nor there.

I Had to do something, I thought fast... I went to NYSC official page on facebook and sent a direct message. I explained that I was neither in stream 1 or 2. Then I waited... 1, 2 hours, still no reply. Then the calls started coming in, my friends were calling to tell me lwhere they had been posted to. Some of them were unhappy, they had gotten states they didn't want. True, I wanted Anambra or Ogun state, but at that point I didn't mind Seeing Borno state on a call up letter bearing my name.

My chest tightened as I told them that I was not in this stream. After the calls, I returned to facebook, I saw a notification of a new message. I opened and checked, Official NYSC replied me, " Dear miss Eucharia, Please check your dashboard, we just uploaded new call up letters. My hands trembled as I rushed to check my dashboard, Lo and behold, I saw it.... Print call up letter.
I clicked and downloaded immediately..... Anambra state, I had been posted to Anambra state! Their real dad, I didn't resign for nothing, I was going to be a corper! I couldn't keep the news to my self, I picked up my phone....and the rest is history
I went to camp in Umunya Anambra state and I slayed,Sure I was really stressed but I enjoyed camp and For those of you going to camp, I advise you to do same.
From your's truly, Omoregbe Eucharia.... certified Anambra corper.
Read part one

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