Saturday 25 August 2018

IPOB lebel Rochas, the Hitler of Igboland

IPOB lebel Rochas, the Hitler of Igboland

The Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB has defined the Imo State governor, Rochas Okorocha as 'Adolph Hitler' of Igboland.

According to a statement released by IPOB Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, noted that any impartial observer who visits Imo State will think that Adolph Hitler has been resurrected in Imo State.

In the statement, Emma Powerful noted that the recent arrest, torture and detention of innocent women on a very peaceful protest in Imo State is unlawful.

Mr Powerful condemned the forced pregnancy test carried for all the women including grandmothers by the prison authorities is a devilish and sinister intrusion into the health of mothers reminiscent of the fate of Jewish women endured in Concentration Camps in Europe during the Holocaust.

Below is his state Statement,

"That this is allowed to happen in the 21st century, is an indictment of the impotency of United Nations, Britain, Africa Union and countless other human rights groups that receive aid and grants to defend human rights but only end up aiding a gross violation of human rights in Biafra. Who in their right mind will subject a 64-year-old woman to a pregnancy test, if not for the purpose of humiliation and inflicting of bodily harm?
"We the worldwide family of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) wish to notify the world that plans to subject our women to invasive and undignified pregnancy test are a genocidal medical experimentation we will not allow to be performed on our mothers. No pregnancy will be conducted. The best option remains for the government to release our mothers unconditionally so they can seek independent medical attention elsewhere. It is common knowledge that the Buhari regime has done and is still doing everything within its powers to eliminate as many Biafrans as possible."
 "The mass murder of IPOB family members by Buratai’s Nigerian soldiers in Igweocha (Port Harcourt), Nkpor, Enugu, Onitsha, Aba, Umuahia, Mbiama Bayelsa State is still fresh in our memory. This latest plan to forcefully subject our mothers and grandmothers to pregnancy test is part of a wider plot to contaminate and infect them with diseases that may prove incurable in the long run. We ask that Imo State government desist from this deadly medical experimentation on our mothers,” he said.
"I wondered why those he described as Certified Fulani terror groups like Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association, their militant wing, the Fulani herdsmen are immune from prosecution but innocent Igbo mothers can be locked up, brutalised and experimented upon."

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